Four Green Valley home owners associations have banded together to purchase the land that was once the site Green Valley Recreation’s proposed new Pickleball courts.
Esperanza Estates, Portillo Place and Ventura West have reached a deal with the Las Campanas Community Association and the current owners of the vacant land on the north side of Esperanza Blvd., for Las Campanas to purchase the land. Under terms of the agreement, the sellers will execute a deed restriction to preserve the land from future development. The deal is expected to close escrow by the end of September.
The 12 acres of natural desert landscape was the controversial site of GVR’s proposed 24-court Pickleball expansion. Residents in the surrounding HOA’s feared the proposed complex would negatively affect their property values. Following public outcry, GVR backed off plans for the Esperanza site in February, and the land was subsequently purchased by a Ventura West couple for $135,000., with the intent of re-selling it (at no profit) to one of the HOA’s.
Eventually, GVR settled on a site south of Pasadera for the new Pickleball courts.