If you’re looking to buy a home, you probably want to secure the lowest interest rate possible for your home loan. Over the last couple of years, that was easier to do as the housing market saw record-low mortgage rates, but this […]
Your FICO score and how it affects your mortgage
Are you about to apply for a mortgage loan in order to buy a home? If so, you may be curious about your FICO credit score and how this might affect your financing. Here’s a look at how FICO scores […]
7 things to avoid after applying for a mortgage
Congratulations! You’ve found a home to buy and have applied for a mortgage! You’re undoubtedly excited about the opportunity to decorate your new home. But before you make any big purchases, move any money around, or make any big-time life […]
Applying for a mortgage? Be prepared for these questions
When you apply for a mortgage, you expect your lender to have some questions. But the truth is, your lender is going to have a lot of questions — and if you know what to expect before you start the […]
Are mortgage myths holding you back from buying a home?
A recent survey from Fannie Mae finds that a huge percentage of Americans are overestimating what it takes to secure a mortgage — and those misconceptions about mortgage qualifications could be holding people back […]
Past Bankruptcy? You could buy a home sooner than you think
In the past 6 years, more than 5 million Americans filed for bankruptcy. And while many people believe that filing for bankruptcy causes long-term financial ruin — and will keep them from ever being able to purchase a home — […]
No… You do not need a 20% down payment to buy a house
The Aspiring Home Buyers Profile from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that the American public is still confused about what is required to qualify for a home mortgage loan in today’s housing market. According to the report, 39% […]